Mekal Z

Mekal Z

A programmer running out of the wall.


The Chimp's Message#


Foo and Dolores were amazed by the chimp's talent, but they couldn't interpret the meaning behind the doodle. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise coming from the tunnel leading to the plantation. They realized that a herd of creatures was approaching, and they needed to mobilize quickly. Foo and Dolores rode Duma to investigate the source of the noise. As they rode, they noticed how the plantation was interconnected with the surrounding lava fields. They had never seen anything like it before. When they arrived, they saw that the creatures were denuded and uneven, and they were destroying everything in their path. Foo triggered his technologically advanced weapon and fired at the creatures, but he was exposed to their destructive power. Dolores used her supremely trained skills to protect him. They fought back the creatures, but they knew that this encounter was just the beginning of a dire situation. Foo made a judgement call to contact the unprincipled campaigner who created the doodle, hoping that he could shed some light on the situation.


Foo 和 Dolores 惊讶地发现这只黑猩猩的才华,但他们无法解释这个涂鸦背后的含义。突然,他们听到从通往种植园的隧道传来的巨响。他们意识到一群生物正在靠近,他们需要迅速行动。Foo 和 Dolores 骑 Duma 调查噪音来源。当他们骑过时,他们注意到种植园与周围的熔岩田之间的互相连接。他们以前从未见过这样的情况。当他们到达时,他们看到这些生物光秃秃的、不规则的,正在摧毁他们路过的一切。Foo 启动了他的高科技武器并开火,但他暴露在它们的破坏力下。Dolores 运用她极其训练的技巧保护他。他们抵抗住这些生物,但他们知道这次遭遇只是不幸局势的开始。Foo 决定联系创造这幅涂鸦的不道德的触印者,希望他能解释这场事件。


  1. doodle 涂鸦
    doodle 是指 “随意的涂画或漫画”,在上下文中 Foo 和 Dolores 无法解释这个涂鸦背后的意义,说明他们不确定它是某个神秘标志还是简单的涂鸦。

  2. denuded 光秃秃的
    denuded 在这里形容的是生物只有脱落了皮毛、光秃秃的皮肤,显示出它们是陌生的和有威胁的。

  3. judgement call 深思熟虑后的决定
    judgement call 是指在艰难的情况下所做的决策,通常情况下需要综合各种因素评估,这里 Foo 所做的决定是联系到这个涂鸦背后的创造者。


  1. When they arrived, they saw that the creatures were denuded and uneven, and they were destroying everything in their path.


  • When they arrived, they saw that the creatures were denuded and uneven
  • they were destroying everything in their path.

其中,第一个结构是一个时间状语从句,用 when 引导,表示主句发生的时间点是在从句后面的时间点。第二个结构是一个复合的并列主语结构,由 and 引导。

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